Karate Terminology

          If a karateka learns the Japanese karate terminology, she/he will be able to enter any karate dojo in the world and able to understand and workout. Many Japanese letters sound the same as they do in English, but some letters are pronounced or written differently.  To learn the Japanese sounds of these letters, study the following chart.



 a ah     aka (ah-ka)

ai i       Shotokai (as in eye) (show-toe-keye)

e eh     hajime  (as in let) (haw-gee-meh)

ei ay    Sensei (as in day) (sehn-say)

i ee       Obi (oh-bee)

o oh     Dojo (doh-joh)

oi oy    kiiroi (key-roy) (as in boy) 

u oo     uchi (oo-chee)


In Japanese, the letter “r” is never emphasized.  It is pronounced like a soft “d”.  The letter “g” is always pronounced like the “g” in go.



Karate: Empty Hands

Karate Do: The Way of Karate

Karateka: Practitioner of Karate

Dojo: School or training room

Sensei: Teacher

Sempai: Senior

Kohai: Junior

Renshi: Entry Level Master

Shihan: Master Instructor

Kyoshi: Master Instructor

Hanshi: Master of Masters

Kyu: Rank

Gi: Uniform

Obi: Belt

Hai: Yes

Iie: No

Osu: "I understand and will try my best."

Also used to show respect, enthusiasm.

Do not use outside of the dojo!


Do: Way

Budo: Way of combat

Zanshin: Poise and control

Kime: Focus

Kihon: Fundamentals/Basics

Kiai: Spirit shout/focus of spiritual energy

Kata: Practice form

Embusen: Floor pattern/lines of a kata

Maai: Distance 

Bunkai: Application (interpretation) of kata techniques 

Kumite: Sparring/fighting

Ippon kumite: One-step sparring

Yakusoku kumite: "Promise" premeditated sparring 

Gohon kumite: Five-step sparring

Jiyyu kumite: Free sparring

Waza: Technique

Dachi: Stance

Tsuki (Zuki): Punch

Uchi: Strike

Uke: Block

Rei: Bow

Waza: Technique

Geri: Kick

Ashi-barai: Foot sweep

Kamae: Posture

Yori-ashi: Sliding the feet

Tai-sabaki: Body shifting

Shotokan: "House of Shoto”; “Pine Sea”; pen name of Funakoshi. 

Mokuso: Meditate/Gather Your Thoughts

Dozo: Please

Domo Arigato Gozaimashita: "Thank-you very much"

Onegai Shimasu: "I welcome you to train with me"

Literally: " I make a request." Said to one's partner when initiating practice. 



Zanshin: Awareness; Continuing mind/heart - connotes "following through" a

technique while maintaining awareness

Sen: Initiative 

Sen no sen: Seizing the initiative earlier; attacking at the same moment your

opponent attacks.

Go no sen: Seizing the initiative later; Allowing your opponent to attack first so

as to open up target for counter-attacks.

Sen sen no sen: Seizing the opponent’s sen no sen; Attacking before your

opponent attacks-a preemptive attack. 

Ikken Hissatsu: "To kill with one blow"

Karate ni sente nashi: Karate does not include the first move.

Karate wa sente nari: Karate is the first move.

Shorin (kata): Quick movement, emphasizing speed

Shorei (kata): Slow, strong movement, emphasizing strength 

Sun-dome: Stopping a technique just prior to contact (three centimeters) 



Narande: Line up

Seiretsu: Line up by rank

Yoi: Ready

Yame: Stop

Yasume: Relax (or ready position)

Sensei ni: Face towards the teacher 

Otaigai ni: Face towards each other 

Shomen ni: Face towards the front

Rei: Bow

Seiza: Meditation position-kneeling 

Age-te: Hands up (cover position)

Mawatte: Turn around

Hajime: Begin

Naore: Return to Shizen-tai 



Mae: Front

Yoko: Side

Ushiro: Back

Tate: Vertical

Mawashi: Round

Jodan: Head high level

Chudan: Mid-high level

Gedan: Low level; Down

Migi: Right

Hidari: Left

Tobi: Jump

Gyaku: Reverse

Age: Rising Uchi: Inner

Soto: Outer

Otoshi: Dropping

Sokumen: Side



 Kamae:Posture (Yoi)

Heisoku dachi: Formal Attention Stance (Yoi)

Zenkutsu dachi: Front Stance

Kokutsu dachi: Back Stance

Kiba dachi: Straddle Stance

Fudo dachi: Fighting Stance

Musubi dachi: Informal Attention Stance (feet in a 'V")

Hachiji dachi: Open-legged Stance (Yoi)

Shizen-tai dachi: Natural Stance

Neko-ashi dachi:Cat Stance

Renoji dachi: "L" Stance 

Kosa dachi: Cross-legged Stance 

Hangetsu dachi: Wide Hour-glass Stance

Migi Ashi Orishiku: Right Leg Kneeling

Hidari Ashi Orishiku: Left Leg Kneeling



Age uke: Rising block

Gedan uke: Down block

Soto ude uke: Outside forearm block

Uchi ude uke: Inside forearm block

Shuto uke: Knife block

Morote uke: Augmented block

Kakiwaki uke: Reverse wedge block (Heian 4)

Juji uke: X block

Kosa uke: Cross block (Uchi/gedan uke-Heian 3)

Manji uke: Hi/low block (Heian 5)

Tate shuto uke: Vertical knife-hand block (Heian 3)

Haishu uke: Back-hand block (Heian 5)

Empi uke (or Hiji uke): Elbow block (Heian 3)

Osae uke: Pressing block (Heian 2, 3)

Otoshi uke: Dropping or falling block (Heian 2, 3)

Nagashi Uke: Sweeping block (Tekki, Jion) 

Haiwan Nagashi Uke: Sweeping back-arm block

Te Nagashi Uke: Sweeping hand block (parry) (Heian 5)

Sukui Uke: Scooping block (Bassai, Chinte)

Sokumen Awase Uke: Side combined block (Bassai-Dai)

 Tsukami Uke: Grasping block (Bassai-Dai, Jion)

Awase Shuto Age Uke: Combined rising knife-hand block (Kanku-Dai)

Ryowan Uchi Uke: Double inside block( Jion, Bassai-Sho)

 Seiryuto Uke: Ox-Jaw block




Mae geri keage: Front snap kick

Mae geri kekomi: Front thrust kick

Yoko geri keage: Side snap kick

Yoko geri kekomi: Side thrust kick

Mawashi geri: Round kick

Ushiro geri: Back thrust kick

Fumikomi geri: Stomping kick (Heian 3, 5)

Uchi mikazuki geri: Inside crescent kick 

Soto mikazuki geri: Outside crescent kick 

Tobi geri: Flying kick

Name ashi geri: Returning wave kick (Tekki 1)

Hiza geri: Knee kick/strike 

Nidan geri: Double kick (Kanku-Dai)



 Oi tsuki: Lunge punch

Gyaku tsuki: Reverse punch

 Kizami tsuki: Jab

Choku tsuki: Straight punch

Kagi tsuki: Hook punch

Oi-gyaku tsuki: Lunging reverse punch

Ura tsuki: Close punch

Morote tsuki: Parallel punch

Ren tsuki: Double punch

San tsuki: Triple punch

Age tsuki: Rising punch

Gedan tsuki: Downward punch

Yama tsuki: Wide "U" punch

Awase tsuki: "U" punch

Otoshi tsuki: Dropping punch (Empi)

Ippon Ken tsuki: One-knuckle fist punch (Hangetsu) 


UCHI WAZA (Strikes)


Tettsui Hammer-fist strike

 Kumade Uchi: Bear Claw Strike

 Uraken Uchi: Backfist Strike

Hiraken Uchi: Foreknuckle Strike

Teisho Uchi: Palm Heel Strike

 Ippon Nukite Uchi: Single Finger Strike

Nihon Nukite Uchi: Two Finger Strike (Fork)

Shuto Uchi: Knife Hand Strike

Soto Shuto Uchi: Outside Knife Hand Strike

Uchi Shuto Uchi: Inside Knife Hand Strike

 Shihon Nukite Uchi: Spear Hand Strike

Gyaku Haito Uchi:Reverse Backfist Strike

Haito Uchi: Backfist Strike

Empi Uchi: Elbow Strike

Mawashi Empi Uchi: Round Elbow Strike

Mae Empi Uchi: Front Elbow Strike

Otoshi Empi Uchi: Downward Elbow Strike

Ushiro Empi Uchi: Back Elbow Strike

Yoko Empi Uchi: Side Elbow Strike

Yoko Mawashi Empi Uchi: Side Roundhouse Elbow Strike

Tate Empi Uchi: Upward Elbow Strike

Hiza Age Ate: Rising Knee Strike

Washide Uchi: Eagle Beak Strike

Koko Uchi: Tiger Mouth Strike

Haishu Uchi: Back Hand Strike


KATA (Isshin-Ryu Forms) 

Empty Hands






KuSan Ku









Ken: Fist

Ippon Ken: Single-point index-finger Fist

Tate Ken: Vertical Fist

Te: Hand

Kaishu: Open hand

Tekubi: Wrist

Teisho: Palm heel

Ude: Forearm

Empi (also Hiji): Elbow

Ashi: Leg

Ashikubi: Ankle

Hiza (also Hitsui): Knee

Ensho: Back of the heel

Heisoku: Top (instep) of the foot

Teisoku: Bottom of the foot

Kakato: Heel of the foot

Koshi: Ball of the foot

Sokuto: Outer edge (knife) of the foot

Tsumasaki: Toe tips

Atama: Head

Wan: Arm

Naiwan: Back of Arm

Kata: Shoulder

Jiku Ashi: Pivot leg

Jodan: Head level 

Chudan: Mid-level

Gedan: Lower level



Ni: Two

San: Three

Shi: Four

Go: Five

Roku: Six

Shichi: Seven

Hachi: Eight

Ku: Nine

Ju: Ten

NiJu: Twenty

NiJu-Go: Twenty-five

Hyaku: One Hundred

Ippon: First

Yon: Fourth

Gohon: Fifth 


Shiro: White

Ki: Yellow

Aoi: Blue

Midori: Green

Murasaki: Purple

Cha: Brown

Kuro: Black

Aka: Red


WEAPONS (Kobujutsu Training)

Bo: Long staff Jo: Short staff Sai: forked knife (Jitte)  Nunchaku: Thrasher (two sticks joined by a chain) Kama: Sickles Tonfa: Batons Shinai: Bamboo sword Bokken: Wooden sword
